Tuesday, 15 October 2013 15:15

What the Future Holds…

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Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's addressed to someone else.
Ivern Ball

When I was younger I genuinely believed I was going to be an amazing old lady. Now that I am getting older, I have to wonder what on earth I was thinking. I kind of had the feeling, a bit like popping a load of washing in the machine and it comes out clean, well, I thought I would go through life and come out fabulous. The reality as I'm discovering, is not quite like that. In fact, I have a sinking suspicion it might be heading the other way!

Life coaches spend a lot of time talking about taking responsibility for your life, you know the "If it's to be, it is up to me" sort of thing. Which is all fine and well, and don’t get me wrong, it's excellent advice, it's just that putting it into practice is pretty darn hard. How many of us plan our year, never mind have a five year plan for the future? Generally speaking, it's often more of a hit and miss type scenario. We may have a vague idea of where we want to be, but life keeps happening and so we meander along enjoying the view or not, as the case may be.

The bottom line is that even when we know something is really, really bad for us, it's extremely difficult to not do it. And we all have our own personal weak spot, food, alcohol, shopping, TV games, etc. that has us behaving in ways that would disappoint both our younger and older self.

Taking responsibility for our lives is a very onerous task, it involves stopping the blame and justification we use to explain why it is not our fault our life is a mess. It takes courage and discipline to deal with the flawed and astonishing beings we really are. Somehow as we learn to accept all of who we are, the good and the bad, it becomes slightly easier to accept the future as it is.

Ultimately, to know what our future holds, all we have to do is take a good look at how we are right now. If we feel jaded, overwhelmed, hard done by and resentful, our future is likely to be more of the same. If we feel loved, fulfilled, worthwhile, enthusiastic and connected, the choices we make bring more of that to our lives. The question is, what choices are you making?

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# Sharon Lin 2016-08-15 21:17
I couldn't agree more - no matter what we think, the future's difficult to tell for sure. It's always nice to have an open mind!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-16 07:43
As a control freak, Sharon, I just wish Ii could really be fully comfortable with not knowing for sure. It's the 'for sure' bit that causes all the trouble!
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# Sheena Stewart 2016-08-15 18:11
I'm a planner and I love having short term and long term goals. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't, but it keeps me moving forward.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 18:15
I also find that planning, even if it doesn’t go exactly as expected, still has a way of making things flow more smoothly and, at least, going in the right direction.
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# Milton Coyne 2016-08-15 17:24
I couldn't agree more...the life, the fate and your journey are all unpredictable.. you cannot manipulate things .. no matter how you plan your life as intense as possible just to achieve something, there will always be something to interfere. For me, that is how life is planned for us, God knows what is best for us and it is just up to us to discover His better plans... so if things are not going into place, just be it and follow the flow , accept the challenge and you'll see, you will find something greater in return ^_^
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 18:36
You are so right, Milton, things have a way of going their own way, in spite of your best efforts to control and manipulate. Gotta love the adventure of life!
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# Gemima 2016-08-15 16:42
i totally agree stopping the blame and justification is such a major key to just leading a happy life.Ive learn that everything happend for a reason and waiting time trying to blame myself or others for the things that have happend .
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 18:37
That is one lesson that is life changing to learn, Gemima, good on you!
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# Ty 2016-08-13 22:21
Excellent share and statement at the end, " the choices we make bring more of that to our lives." So true.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 18:16
I find that thought, comforting and quite scary and also very motivating!
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# Crystal 2016-08-13 18:58
I definitely try to do good as much as I can but I certainly don't have a 5-year plan in place. That's pretty hard to do!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-13 20:26
It is one of the exercises we do towards the end of coaching, looking forward over the longer term and getting an idea of where you want your life to be heading. It's quite a worthwhile exercise to do every now and then.
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# Tiina A 2016-08-13 15:00
Life certainly keeps happening no matter how well we plan it. We should live in a moment and not worry too much. I don't find it easy but have learnt that sometimes things just happen.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-13 15:09
Great attitude, Tiina, it sounds like you are making some good choices in how you handle things.
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# Ana De- Jesus 2016-08-13 11:40
The future is a dark and ominous place and I always worry about what will happen. Instead we should just live in the moment.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-13 13:45
If worrying helped at least, Ana, there may be some value, but so often it just drains and exhausts up. I know, I come from a family of worries and am a master at it!
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# lex 2016-08-12 08:35
Just be true to yourself and remain positive and the future will be good for you, great post to read over and think deep.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-13 13:45
Thanks Lex, love your outlook!
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