Tuesday, 29 October 2013 00:00

The Garden of Your Mind

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Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson

What is going on in the garden of your mind? Is your attention going on weeds or flowers? I am no gardener, dirt and worms are seriously not my thing, but even I know that feeding and cultivating weeds is not the way to get rid of them. So I have to wonder why that is exactly what I do with the negative thoughts and emotions that arise when things aren’t going well in my life.

Most of us would rather clean out cupboards or do a dreaded body detox than tackle some of the less than helpful thoughts racing around our heads and yet that where the solution lies. The other day I caught myself in the act of huffing and puffing at a very incompetent and inconsiderate driver who didn't yield at a yield sign and then had to cheek to look at me funny. I tell you I was outraged!

To back -up a step, I was having an awful week. I had recently heard tragic news of the death of a dear friend and over the next few days, any small thing that went wrong added to the upset I was already feeling. It also explains how I went from calling a fallible, fellow driver names to hating the world in three short steps. Sadly this often happens when we hit a rough patch in life. Without realising it, we feed and water the weeds and end up fanning the flames of our upset into a raging forest fire in our minds.

Facing difficulties is part of life and while in the midst of tragedy or heartache is not the time to start learning to be more positive. We need to start planting the seeds now, in our daily life. Take a look at whether what you are thinking is helping or harming yourself and others. Calming ourselves when we are angry, comforting ourselves when we are sad, being kind when we mess up are all ways of planting seeds of positivity in our minds.

The best bit is that the more beautiful the garden of our mind is, simply being around us brings joy and comfort to those near us. So roll up your sleeves, dig up some dirt and give your thoughts a clean out. By not feeding what isn't helpful, we plant the seeds of a happier world in the garden of our own mind.

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# CATALINA NINI 2016-08-15 20:06
Your inspiring and motivational read reminds of the book The Secret...Yes, we should spread positive thoughts more and more. Sorry to hear about your friend :(
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 20:26
Thanks Catalina. A positive mind is such a strength and you can't beat sharing that!
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# Elizabeth O. 2016-08-15 04:46
That's a message we all need to receive. If we start planting seeds of postivity now we'll be set for the rest of our lives. We can't let negative events drown us from seeing what is good.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 05:56
I was just reading a beautiful blog post from a Life Coach whose husband died three weeks ago. She saw someone wearing a T-Shirt that said "Brain cancer didn't bring me to my knees, it brought me to my feet." She said the pain is the same no matter what you are doing so they are letting it bring them to their feet by doing one life affirming thing every day. It was so powerful from the midst of her grief.
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# Ashley - TDH 2016-08-14 23:29
I really like how you compared our minds to a garden and our thoughts to weeds and flowers! Am so sorry to hear about your friend though... Best wishes to you and their family.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-15 05:57
Thank you, Ashley, the support is much appreciated.
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# Ana De- Jesus 2016-08-14 19:00
I am sorry to hear about the death of your friend :( I hope that you are ok hun xx
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-14 19:41
Thanks so much for caring, Ana, it was a robbery which made it that much harder to get to grips with.
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# lex 2016-08-14 12:10
the way we handle our garden reflects how good they grow and look to people, so also this post as i feel great on the need to have a sound and positive mind for this speaks of me. thanks for sharing.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-14 19:36
It is so motivating when you think of how much joy someone else's beautiful garden can give you, What a lovely thought, Lex.
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# Lubka Henry 2016-08-14 10:00
Very nice and positive words. Inspiring and motivational Sunday read :)
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-14 19:35
Thanks Lubka, glad you enjoyed it!
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# Adel Hartley 2013-10-30 11:41
Such a wonderful reflection! an so apt to the work I do. I teach Math to grade 7-9 year olds, well, using math I teach them manners, kindness, humor, forgiveness, consequences, etc. Some days you feel you are not making inroads, or you don't always see the result of your effort and caring - but! Those are only seeds I'm sowing, I'm not here to harvest:) What a beautiful thought:)
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-08-14 19:35
What a worthwhile task, to be planting seed of goodness in young minds! Keep on doing what you are doing for all our sakes.
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