Wednesday, 10 April 2013 12:31

Become your BFF!

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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A little while ago I was having a "Do I have to?" sort of day. I finally had time to do a task I'd been putting off for ages and still didn't want to settle down to it. After much procrastination, I slumped down at the computer to get started and to my delight there was a complete power failure. Making the most of a very lucky reprieve, I popped the dogs and husband in the car and went for a lovely walk on the beach. It was a beautiful day and I came back recharged and in a much better frame of mind to complete what I needed to.

The whole experience got me thinking about chores, those everyday things that we have to do whether we feel like it or not: cooking, cleaning, the admin part of our job, or anything we may love doing, just not right now and certainly not everyday. The question is, how can we overcome our resistance or resentment and fulfill our "must do's" in a joyfully enthusiastic way?

Human beings are driven by deeply instinctive forces to move away from pain and towards pleasure and the key is learning when to push and when to indulge ourselves. It's about finding the balance, and one way to do that is to become a trusted friend to yourself. Who doesn't want the kind of friend who is there for you, who listens and comforts you when you need a hug, but will gently and firmly tell you when you are losing the plot?

By becoming your own best friend you create the space within yourself to explore what is really holding you back. The diagnosis is all important; taking every cough medicine on the market is not going to help a headache, nor will tidy cupboards pass an exam! We spend so much time dodging or avoiding what we dislike when sometimes all we need is to sit ourselves down with a cup of tea and have a friendly chat, with ourselves, about what's going on.

Of course if that fails, I highly recommend bribing yourself with a fabulous reward. It doesn't have to be big or expensive, just something that associates pleasure with your task. It's the perfect time to do as Gandhi suggests, be the change you want to see in the world and become your best friend forever!

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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-19 17:53
Good for you Liz, it's a much nicer way to live, isn't it!
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# liz cleland 2016-07-19 17:39
I have found that I can be my own worst enemy for sure. Reminding myself to encourage and really strive for what I want out of life is so important. Staying positive!!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-18 19:42
Thanks for the lovely comment, Kerry, it made my day!
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# Kerry 2016-07-18 19:37
Love this post, it's a very much needed pick me up that I think everyone needs. Very important message, we should all be our own biggest supporter.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-18 07:57
It often doesn't seem like a coaching type topic, but, in my experience, Ana, I have found it to be the very core of the coaching process. Making changes within your self or your life really starts with self awareness and self acceptance. If we can look honestly at ourselves with a friendly attitude, it is amazing how much easier it is to work with our more tricky bits.
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# Ana De- Jesus 2016-07-17 19:59
Now this is a coaching tip I can get on board with. Instead of always criticizing myself I should become my own best friend!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-17 09:13
Can't love others until you know how to love yourself, MakeupFun!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-17 09:11
What a lovely quality to have as a child, Bella.
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# Bella 2016-07-17 01:51
lol! My mom says I was the easiest kid to have around because I was my own best friend. I don't think I am like that as much now. I think I am still at the age where I am happy as long as I am busy.
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# MakeUp Fun 2016-07-16 20:14
I agree with you! You have to love yourself everyday.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-16 09:43
That's exactly it, and the more enjoyable we can make something, the easier we make it for ourselves. Our minds really are more pliable than they seem, Ivan.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-16 09:41
Hence the suggestion of bribery, Liz! Coaching has all these fabulous little tricks that I use on myself as needed. I have found that consistently following through on the promise of a treat after completing a task I am avoiding has really changed how I deal with the resistance that is very much a part of procrastination .
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-16 09:37
Tiina, it makes the most perfect sense. Appreciating those small enjoyments makes for a happy life. It is so easy to get caught up in automatic living, but there is something so grounding about simply enjoying a cup of tea on your balcony.
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# Ivan Jose 2016-07-16 05:28
Very true. We delay our chores because we find these tiring and would rather pursue tasks that we find enjoyable. Yup, it's just instinct. Nobody wants to do anything non-enjoyable.
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# Liz Mays 2016-07-16 03:21
This is a great perspective. I definitely find myself procrastinating a lot of the time. It's so difficult to stay on track sometimes.
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# Tiina A 2016-07-15 22:18
It not always easy to love and accept yourself as you are. I try to make my life as good as I can meaning that despite the fact that there are boring and time consuming errands I need to do on daily basis i would still do something nice every day, no matter how small just a moment when I feel it's nice to be alive. It can be a nice cup of tea in my balcony. Does this make any sense?!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-15 18:01
That we do, Amer. Hatred starts within each and every one of us before it spreads out to infects the world.
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-15 17:59
In my coaching experience, She Joh, most people berate and shame themselves into action. It's crazy considering most human's are pleasure seeking bunnies who are easily motivated by the thought of happiness. It makes coaching a whole lot more fun, I tell ya!
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# Amer 2016-07-15 17:56
Yup! We need to learn how to accept and love ourselves first.
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# she joh 2016-07-15 17:46
I've always said I'm my own best friend and try to create the best adventures/outl ook for myself, but it can get hard when you're going through the day-to-day repetitiveness of life. I like the tips you've provided and I like the idea of rewarding myself if needed, lol!
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# - Soul Sense Coaching 2016-07-15 15:18
I've found, Katie, that when my own energy reserves are depleted, everything is that much harder. The better I am, the more enthusiasm I have for even the little things in life, especially the seemingly unimportant daily stuff, which is not so unimportant after all!
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# Katie 2016-07-15 15:13
I really like this post. I really struggle with getting myself in a mindset to get those little chores and errands done without dragging myself down over them. Sometimes you really do just need to take care of yourself and make yourself feel happy and content first, and then those chores become so much easier.
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